Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Building Expansion Bond Details

The Town Board of the Town of Onondaga met at a special meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at Town Hall, 5020 Ball Road, Syracuse, New York.

Supervisor Thomas P. Andino, Jr.
Councilman Charles Petrie
Councilman Donald Hamilton
Councilwoman Suzanne Belle
Town Clerk Lisa M. Goodwin
Town Attorney Kevin M. Gilligan
Excused: Councilwoman Mary K. Ryan

Mr. Gilligan explained to the Town Board how the bond with the Onondaga Free Library will work and what the roll of the Town of Onondaga will be in this bond. In summary, the Town of Onondaga will have no responsibility for the bond and cannot be held accountable. The Town of Onondaga will be collecting the monies from the taxes and will be paying M&T Bank directly for the bond in the name of the Onondaga Free Library. Mr. Paul Mullin, Onondaga Free Library Board of Trustees, was present. He thanked the Town Board for pulling the special meeting together to discuss the bond for the library expansion.

The following resolution was offered by Councilwoman Belle, who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Hamilton, to wit:

WHEREAS, at the request of the Onondaga Free Library (the “Library”), the Onondaga County Industrial Development Agency (the “Agency”) intends to issue its Civic Facility Revenue Bonds (Onondaga Free Library Project), Series 2008 (the “Bonds”) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,000,000 to finance the acquisition, renovation, construction and installation of a Library facility; and

the Library will pay debt service on the Bonds with proceeds of the annual tax levied by the Town of Onondaga (the “Town”) on behalf of the Library (the “Library Tax”); and

the Library has requested the Town to pay the Library Tax directly to Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, the company appointed as fiscal agent for the Bonds (the “Fiscal Agent”), who will retain the amount necessary to pay debt service on the Bonds and pay the remaining Library Tax proceeds to the Library; and

The Town Board now desires to authorize the Supervisor, as chief fiscal officer of the Town, to execute on behalf of the Town a Fiscal Agency Agreement among the Town, the Library, the Agency and the Fiscal Agent pursuant to which, among other things, the Town will agree to pay the Library Tax proceeds to the Fiscal Agent.

it is

by the Town Board that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Fiscal Agency Agreement on behalf of the Town, to execute, deliver and/or approve any other documents necessary or appropriate to carry out the transactions contemplated by the Fiscal Agency Agreement, provided, however, the Town shall in no event be liable for payment of the Bonds.

The question of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote and, upon roll call, the vote was as follows:
Councilman Petrie Voted Yes
Councilman Hamilton Voted Yes
Councilwoman Belle Voted Yes
Supervisor Andino Voted Yes

The foregoing Resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Mr. Gilligan explained that all documents are being executed and are being held in escrow until the Town and counsel receives confirmation from Mr. Mullin of their final status at which time, Costello, Cooney & Fearon will release the escrow.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Belle, seconded by Councilman Hamilton, that the Board audits the following accounts and that they be approved and ordered paid:
All General Fund Accounts on Abstract No. 2, numbers 45 through 110 inclusive; all Trust and Agency Accounts on Abstract No. 1, numbers 1 through 7 inclusive; all Parks Accounts on Abstract No. 2, Accounts on Abstract No. 2, numbers 12 through 40 inclusive; and all Fire Protection Districts Accounts on Abstract No. 1, numbers 1 through 8 inclusive.

The vote was as follows:

Councilman Petrie Voted Yes
Councilman Hamilton Voted Yes
Councilwoman Belle Voted Yes
Supervisor Andino Voted Yes
Motion was carried.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Belle, seconded by Councilman Petrie, that there being
no further business to come before the Town Board, the meeting be adjourned.

The vote was as follows:

Councilman Petrie Voted Yes
Councilman Hamilton Voted Yes
Councilwoman Belle Voted Yes
Supervisor Andino Voted Yes

Motion was carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:08 p.m.
Lisa M. Goodwin, Town Clerk

Meeting Minutes!

Town of Onondaga Board Meeting (9/15/08)
Site Plan Review

Mr. Paul Mullin, Board of Trustees President, and Mr. David Schlosser, Schopfer Architects, were present. Mr. Mullin gave an overview on how the expansion came about and the steps involved in the process. Mr. Schlosser explained to the Town Board what the proposal is to increase the building to 19,800 square feet on a narrow and deep site while working with the grade. Mr. Schlosser distributed drawings including a Title Sheet showing the existing survey, Drainage Plan with details, Proposed Site Plan, Proposed Landscape Plan, Proposed Site Lighting Plan, Proposed Floor Plans, and Proposed Building Elevations. Mr. Schlosser stated that the concept of the sign for the library has not yet been developed. The Town Board explained that they will have to refer the proposal to the Planning Board for consideration in the overlay district. The Codes Enforcement Officer will refer the plan to Onondaga County Planning because of its location on Route 175.
Supervisor Andino made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Ryan, that the Town Board refers the Onondaga Free Library renovation and addition proposal to the Town of Onondaga Planning Board for their review.

The vote was as follows:
Councilman Petrie Voted Yes
Councilman Hamilton Voted Yes
Councilwoman Belle Voted Yes
Councilwoman Ryan Voted Yes
Supervisor Andino Voted Yes

Motion was carried.

Town of Onondaga Planning Board Meeting (9/22/08)

Mr. Mullin, Library Board President, Mr. Schlegel, Treasurer and Mr. David Schlosser, Architect, appeared before the Board. Mr. Mullin described the history behind this proposal. Mr. Schlosser distributed copies of the plans and described the proposed project. This proposal is before the Planning Board for a Route 175 Corridor Review. The property is located in a PCO district with a small section in the rear in a R1 district. The new proposed addition will add approximately 12,406 square feet on two floors. The existing curb cut onto Seneca Turnpike will remain as is. There will be a six-foot vinyl fence between the library and the neighbor on the east side, who has indicated they do not have a problem with this. The exterior of the new building will be complimentary to the existing exterior. The number of parking spaces will increase to 49 total. Proposed lighting, storm water drainage, and floor plans were described. The number of parking spaces was based on current utilization. The Board recommended that the Codes Office submit something in writing regarding the number of parking spaces needed. There will be green space between the parking area and the road to help screen the parking area. Chairman Malfitano pointed out that this proposal shows parking spaces in the front of the building instead of to the side and in the rear that is the opposite of the Code requirements for the Route 175 Corridor Review. Notes will be made on the plan regarding the colors to be used on the trim, and will better delineate the fence. The applicant will provide a sample of the color for the fiberboard. The front façade, the front parking area and the turn-around area will be looked at further by the applicant. An interpretative letter will be obtained from the Codes Office regarding the parking spaces. The applicant will have to come back for approval at some time in the future if they decide to replace the sign. Appropriate signage under the Route 175 Corridor Review was discussed. Drainage issues, site plan review, SEQR, etc., will be handled by the Town Board.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Lastest News is....

The soil testing is complete!

Schopfer Architects will be presenting a building construction plan at two upcoming public meetings:
  • Town of Onondaga Board Meeting will be on Monday, September 15th at 5 p.m.
  • Town of Onondaga Planning Board Meeting will be on Monday, September 22nd at 7:30 p.m.
** Both meetings will be held at the Town Hall on Ball Rd.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hello everyone! This is the very beginning of our blog. The main purpose of this will be to share news and information with all of you about the library- specifically the expansion project.

For starters, since the November vote, the Board has successfully obtained bonding for the project. The site surveyors have begun assessing the land and soil. The Library Director has met with several contractors and we have made a decision... Hayner Hoyt will be building the expansion to our library.

We will post again soon with more updates!