Friday, March 13, 2009


Groundbreaking for our expansion is anticipated for late April/early May! The first phase involves the construction of the new additions in the rear and front of the property. Once complete, library operations will move into the new back section while our current space is gutted and renovated. Construction and renovation is estimated to take from 10-12 months. The end result will be a beautiful brand new 18,000 square foot library featuring expanded children's and teen areas, new meeting rooms for public use, more computers and spaces for you to read, study, relax and gather. In the meantime, we will keep you updated through the media, our website and newsletters.

The Annual Meeting of the Onondaga Free Library will take place on March 25th at 6:00 p.m. in the community room of the library. The election of new trustees will take place. The meeting is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.

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